
America Street

CURRENT PROJECT America Street ❱ Like sheets of hymnal music, America Street unfolds with a mournful whisper.  Each image folds into another to form a tapestry of Charleston, South Carolina’s racialized psychic detritus. Through the experiences, memories, and dreams of Joe Watson, a black corner store owner, this visual elegy strips away layer after layer of...


FILMS Arlit STORY Arlit is a case study in environmental racism set in a uranium mining town in the Sahara desert of Niger. Here European corporations extract nuclear power and profits leaving behind disease, contamination and unemployment. Ironically the primary activities of Arlit today is waiting, waiting to die of radiation related sicknesses or to...

Indochina Traces of a Mother

FILMS Indochina - Traces of a Mother Between 1946 and 1954, over 60 000 African soldiers were enlisted to fight the Viet Minh.Pitted against one another by circumstances, these two colonised peoples came into contact and a number of African soldiers took Vietnamese women as wives. Out of these unions, numerous mixed-race children were born....


Film Si-Gueriki BUY NOW Idrissou returns to his village after having spent ten years in Europe. His father has died in the mean time. He discovers the living conditions of his sisters and nieces, and especially the place his mother holds today. During his childhood, she was just one of his father’s wives, a shadow...